The View behind
Helitz Crea­ti­ve Stu­dio

We are not just ano­ther gra­phic stu­dio in an ever-gro­wing indus­try. On the con­tra­ry! Our focus is on the cus­to­mer and, abo­ve all, on qua­li­ty, ensu­ring that even the expe­ri­ence of unpack­ing busi­ness cards feels like ope­ning the latest iPho­ne!

Helitz Crea­ti­ve Stu­dio was foun­ded in 2022 in Ber­lin and has been working with start­ups and com­pa­nies to show­ca­se them in the best light. As a full-ser­vice agen­cy, we make it our mis­si­on to take all the bur­dens off your should­ers becau­se ever­y­thing you need to shi­ne is right here with us!

Team­work makes “the Dream” work!

Helitz Creative Studio Gründerin


Foun­der, Brand-
and Web­de­si­gner


Text, SEO Spe­cia­list



Coo­kie Con­sent Ban­ner by Real Coo­kie Ban­ner